Torque Wind Turbine

A scalable wind turbine to produce your own electricity

Torque Wind Turbine

A scalable wind turbine to produce your own electricity

The Torque Wind Turbine's dynamic blade design optimizes the conversion of wind energy while moving with the wind and minimizes the loss of energy while moving against the wind.

Unique in the world and developed for decentral electricity production near the consumer.

About the Torque Wind Turbine

Revolutionary design build on proven technology

The design is absolutely unique and patented and in combination with technologies and materials from the automotive and aviation industry a base to become successful.
The result is a small wind turbine that is self-starting at low wind speeds and thus needs no starting power and can even convert wind energy during a storm thanks to the unique and inventive control mechanism.

After testing an uncounted numbers of hours the final shape design of the Torque Wind turbine parts were created and the control mechanism finetuned. The result is a so called vertical wind turbine with a wing that has open blades going with the wind to convert wind energy and the wing having closed blades moving against the wind to reduce the loss in this movement to a minimum.

Link to Torque Wind Turbine video at country side house in The Netherlands on Youtube
Link to Torque Wind Turbine video prototype test TRL5 model

Torque test model

The winners

When 3 Beaufort and more wind is available on the intended location and there is enough open space around the Torque Wind Turbine it will work well.

The winners with a good wind situation for the Torque Wind Turbine are:

  1. Agriculture farms with space on their property
  2. Camping places on the country side and at the sea side
  3. Cattle farms with milk robots using electricity
  4. Electric vehicles Charge Stations
  5. Horticulture glasshouses
  6. Hotels and restaurants on the country side and at the sea side
  7. Industry zones - streets and parking places
  8. Islands with open space alongside streets
  9. Livestock farms
  10. Mobile network operators
  11. Private home on the countryside and at the sea side
  12. River side harbour light poles on the logistic areas
  13. Sea side harbour light poles alongside the roads and on the logistic areas
  14. Shopping malls parking place
  15. Sport fields
  16. Street light and electric cable poles alongside highways and country roads


Torque Wind Turbine features and advantages


  • Good payback time from ~3 Beaufort and higher average wind speed
  • Fits the landscape preventing sight pollution
  • Relatively low height (between 15 and 30 meters depending on wind situation and customers wish)
  • Easy to assemble at the location using local craftmanship
  • Relatively low installation costs
  • Local cable infrastructure can be used
  • Self-starting at low wind speed (high Torque)
  • Reacts instantly on wind direction changes (advantage vertical wind turbine)
  • Reacts instantly on wind speed changes (advantage vertical wind turbine)
  • Is nearly soundless at all wind speeds (tip speed on average 2 times the wind speed)
  • Very good output (Cp 0,4)
  • Many working hours
  • Continues electricity production during storm
  • Output adopted to consumption, grid capacity, battery charge level, generator capacity, etc.
  • Lifetime expected of 20 years
  • Low maintenance
  • KWh price between 5 to 10 Eurocent over a 20 year period

Link to Paul Gipes website who is a wind turbine expert

ratio of blad tip speed to wind speed

Problems solved


  1. Autumn and winter wind. In autumn and winter wind energy is even more frequent than in Summertime, which means in special during the dark and cold months in the northern and southern part of the world the Torque Wind Turbine is the perfect solution for the high energy consuming heating season.



  1. Day and Night Wind. Day and night there is wind and the local wind energy can be converted for electricity production. Sun energy is only at daytime available. Sun and wind energy combined are a good solution to have equal electricity production in line with the consumption of homes, businesses operations and EV use.

  2. Heating with Wind Power. Using wind power electricity might be a solution for houses and buildings using a gas/ fuel powered water system heating. In the northern part of Europe heating in autumn and winter is the high energy consumption season, and, also the season with the best wind conditions to produce electricity.
    Wind powered electric heating is possible using electric heater boilers (hot water tanks) installed into the existing central heating system. The gas/ fuel power device than only has to work when the electric boiler temperature is too low.

  3. No expensive Fuel Generator. No need to buy much fuel for the fuel generators anymore since the wind (sun and water) powered electricity can be used to replace the fuel generator saving money and help lowering CO2 emissions.

  4. No CO2 emission. Wind power electricity emits no CO2 at the location of the wind turbine. In the production process CO2 is emitted when using no renewable energy.

  5. No Dust emission. Wind power electricity emits no dust at the location of the wind turbine. In the production process dust is emitted at certain production processes.

  6. No Heat emission. Wind power electricity emits (nearly) no heat at the location of the wind turbine. In the production process heat is emitted at certain production processes.

  7. 5G Multifunctional Wind Tower. The additional 5G telecom towers that are required to complete the existing 4G network for a good coverage of a 5G area can be combined in a Torque wind turbine tower. More applications and devices can be added making it a multi-functional hybrid tower. The electricity produced in the tower can be used for the 5G devices.

  8. Clean EV charging. Clean electric vehicle charging with renewable energy electricity becomes more realistic when highways and country roads are completed with Torque Wind Turbine towers alongside the roads.

  9. Hybrid Solar Wind Tower. On a Torque Wind Turbine tower a sun tracking solar panel system could be installed to be able to produce electricity from sun and wind energy. This tower also can establish communication options for people and (autonomous) vehicles, provide light, measure and gather data via sensors and observe the local situation.

  10. Money Making Street Light. A Torque Wind Turbine tower alongside roads with streetlights can increase safety on the roads at night and during bad weather situations and also give municipalities the opportunity to sell clean wind power electricity. A streetlight than doesn’t cost money anymore but this tower pole can become a Money Making Machine. Adding other devices like LED bill boards and mobile antennas can even further improve the business case.


Program of models

Nominal Power Height(1) Diameter Annual Production (2) Price indication (3)
3 kW ~17 m 5 m ~6,000 kWh €     9,000
5 kW ~20 m 7 m ~10,000 kWh €   14,000
10 kW ~20 m 10 m ~20,000 kWh €   25,000
25 kW ~25 m 15 m ~50,000 kWh €   55,000

(1) The height depends on the buyers choice as a minimum of at least 10 meters is advised.
(2) With 18 km/h averages wind speed per anno at 10 meter height
(3) Catalogue price excluded: VAT, transport cost, permission cost, installation cost, service cost, etc.

How to achieve a good Return On Investment

Use electricity for own consumption as much possible. Electricity directly used when the Torque is producing electricity needs no additional investments. Par example:

  • Electric vehicle can be charged to fill up the battery.
  • Electricity can be stored in a hot water boiler for heating tap water and central heating.
  • Use the electricity for cooling via the air conditioning systems, refrigerator or ice makers.

How additionally some money can be earned:

  • Sell electricity to others
  • Sell the data from the weather station
  • Rent out tower spots to mobile telecom providers who have a blind spot in the area
  • Rent out tower spots to organization that measure/ collect environmental data




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Wind energy in Autumn and Winter month (Oct-Mar 2019) with average temperature 7,1 degree Celsius


(Watt / m2 per day)

Sun energy in Autumn and Winter month (Oct-Mar 2019) with average temperature 7,1 degree Celsius


(Watt / m2 per day)

Wind energy in Spring and Summer month (Apr-Sep 2019) with average temperature 15,4 degree Celsius (Watt / m2 per day)


(Watt / m2 per day)

Sun energy in Spring and Summer month (Apr-Sep 2019) with average temperature 15,4 degree Celsius (Watt / m2 per day)


(Watt / m2 per day)

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